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Quick Question about the AutoLoad.php file...

I'm very new to Code Igniter so please excuse my lack of knowledge...

I'm doing the 2nd Video tutorial on creating a blog and it shows how to go to system/application/config/autoload.php and add an item to the array for $autoload['core'] so that you can connect and view/add to your newly created 'database' through the "View Records" "Create New Records" page...

I have the latest version of CodeIgniter(1.7.3) and the $autoload['core'] is gone from autoload.php...What is the substitute and how does the markup change in order to allow it to connect to my database?

Thanks in advance!

[quote author="BoyBlue" date="1292630157"]I'm very new to Code Igniter so please excuse my lack of knowledge...

I'm doing the 2nd Video tutorial on creating a blog and it shows how to go to system/application/config/autoload.php and add an item to the array for $autoload['core'] so that you can connect and view/add to your newly created 'database' through the "View Records" "Create New Records" page...

I have the latest version of CodeIgniter(1.7.3) and the $autoload['core'] is gone from autoload.php...What is the substitute and how does the markup change in order to allow it to connect to my database?

Thanks in advance![/quote]

If it's a library add it in:


And so on for helpers, etc.

That has been deprecated for quite some time (+2 years). Use $config['libraries'] instead.

I assumed it would be $autoload['libraries'] and originally placed 'database' in there and followed everything else the same in the video...I've always been able to get the "Scaffolding" page to load, however when I press on "add" or "edit' then it gives me a 404.

I tried it again and I'm still not able to "add/edit"...
(I've even gone in and manually input data into my table and the "Scaffolding page" is echoing those changes--again, I just can't "edit/add" from the Scaffolding page...)

Is there perhaps something else I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance

The tutorial is a couple years old unfortunately. The scaffolding feature has be deprecated on 1.7 and is now removed I believe in 1.7.3.

Thanks for the input. What specifically do I need to do differently in order to make the Scaffolding page have the ability to "add/edit" my database table?

[quote author="BoyBlue" date="1292638319"]Thanks for the input. What specifically do I need to do differently in order to make the Scaffolding page have the ability to "add/edit" my database table?[/quote]
I'm wondering the same thing; I followed the tutorial, managed to connect to the database, reached the scaffolding page, but I can't edit/delete entries. Does anyone know?

I actually discovered another Tutorial at Net.tuts.plus.com called CRUD. If you google it, you will find the tutorial. The tutorial covers C-Create record, R-Retrieve a record, U-Update a record, and D is delete a record.

Hope that helps...

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