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Problem with Form_validation with multilenguage 1.7.2 (Solved)

[eluser]Agustín Villalba[/eluser]
Hello! I'm trying to use multilenguage in my site, and when I set the language to spanish, the form_validation library still shows the validation_errors() messages in english, but I have the file "form_validation_lang.php" in my system/language/spanish folder, and the other strings (my strings) in my site are in Spanish. What I have to do in order to use multilenguage in form_validation properly?

1. Do you have all the files inside system/language/spanish folder?
2. form_validation_lang.php and validation_lang.php are there?
3. Is the message a custom validation method or CI methods (required|is_natural|...)?

[eluser]Agustín Villalba[/eluser]
I have solved it. The problem is that I have to set dynamically the default language, like this:


With that, my problem is solved.

Thanks anyway!

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