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Pagination Library

Hi Everyone,
I decided to post my Pagination library to Bit Bucket since I've been seeing a lot of posts asking for similar features. Please check it out here: https://bitbucket.org/modomg/codeigniter-pagination

1. Handles a directory structure or by using the $_GET array. (Ex: domain.com/users/5/ or domain.com/users/?page=5)
2. Directory structure can add a trailing slash or not, which is good for SEO (Ex: domain.com/users/5/ or domain.com/users/5)
3. Page 1 links will not show a pagination number. Search engines will look at domain.com/users/ and domain.com/users/1/ as duplicate content, so the pagination is dropped.
4. Handles regular links or AJAX update links
5. Automatically builds sorting links
6. Handles different HTML tags (li, div, etc) for pagination links and additional HTML/CSS options.
7. Handles additional search/sorting parameters and will add to the $_GET array
8. Page stats output (Ex: Displaying 1 to 25 (of 115 users))

Any feedback and/or feature requests welcome.


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