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CI and Zombaio's htaccess files

Hi everyone, so I used the CI framework combined with iui to make a mobile site. My .htaccess file looks like this:
Options +FollowSymLinks
Options -Indexes
DirectoryIndex index.php
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|css|favicon\.ico)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L,QSA]

Then my client wanted me to have Zombaio as his billing processor and I was required to install their ZSCRIPT, which incidentally needs to overwrite the .htaccess file to this:
AuthUserFile /root/example.com/html/Zombaio_Data/.htpasswd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Example.com Mobile"

require valid-user

Now, the CI url format (example.com/members/channel/2) won't work. It displays "Page not found" instead. What should I do? Help, anyone?

Does your development platform provide you any log as to what the final address it is trying to go to is?

[quote author="Basketcasesoftware" date="1297852277"]Does your development platform provide you any log as to what the final address it is trying to go to is?[/quote]

I am not aware of any log files. Is there any way to know the final address?

Ooh! Ouch! How are you testing your code again? What is your development platform?

There might be a way. Are you able to run a clean install of CI 2.0 on that platform with that .htaccess file?

I just combined the two htaccess files into one and it worked Smile Anyway, thanks for the help Smile

Glad it was a simple fix. What the final .htaccess file look like? I've never messed with mobile apps (yet). Now you've got me curious.

[quote author="Basketcasesoftware" date="1298017554"]Glad it was a simple fix. What the final .htaccess file look like? I've never messed with mobile apps (yet). Now you've got me curious.[/quote]

I just copied the texts from the two .htaccess files and pasted it into one file. that's it Smile

Looking at both pieces of code a little more closely now I think I can see why. The second version didn't even turn on the rewrite for instance. I don't know if that's all there is to it, or if that was the problem at all, but it would make a certain sense if it was.

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