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Announcing Bonfire - A jumpstart for your web apps

The documentation is started, at least Smile I know there's more to do there and it will happen. And I'd love all the help I can get there. It uses Natural Docs and there's a script to generate it (though you'd probably have to customize the file paths in it to match your system).

Glad you're liking it so far! There's still plenty I plan on adding, but this is just the 0.1 release, so it's in pretty good shape for that.

I've attached a (incomplete) set of docs for Ocular 3.0 that should help you understand how it works a little better. I believe the assets system still needs more explanation, but the file itself is pretty well documented.

Cool. Ironically I was reading through that very file right now (I'm using Notepad++). Trying to see if I can come up with that css file writer that I mentioned before. I tried the Ocular Wiki. Glad to help.

Just pushed an update that includes the beginnings of an update manager. Currently it just checks the official repo for latest commits and new tagged releases, but it is at least a way to start current with what's going on from within your own install and make a decision about whether you want to update or not.

Before I go farther on the update manager.... how many of you guys actual clone the repo to start a new project? Or do you prefer to unzip and install?

I tend to just download from the repo, unzip and install. At least when I start. What did you have in mind?

Was debating a Wordpress-style auto-updater. At least for the core Bonfire. Module management will come in later, so I'll figure that part out then.

I guess the best way to tackle it would be to actually learn how to use the drivers and make an auto-updater that will use git (if installed on the system) or FTP otherwise....

Hmmm.... sounds like a pain. Scratch that, I mean sounds fun. Smile

LOL. I don't even know how I'd integrate CI with Git. I'd stick with the FTP if you can. It's a standard and doesn't require any special code installs on the receiving end. How would you even do that with git though?

Here's an question about the Ocular template portion. Is there a way to programmaticly add multiple copies of a theme view to a layout from the controller? I have to programmaticly enter multiple frames, which contain multiple rows, which contain multiple tiles (it's a JQuery gallery). The tiles contain dynamic data. Any thoughts or suggestions? Ideally I'd be using nested foreach loops.

I'm not sure, but it sounds like you might be overcomplicating things.... but, yeah.

In your main view, you'll have your array of albums/images/whatever. Loop over those, using a simple <?php echo theme_view('viewname', $data) ?> for each spot.

Two thoughts, though.

First - should this be a theme view? Sounds like the gallery would work best as a module, so the view would be part of that.

Second, sounds like the easier way might be to just use the one view and spit out a series of ul's with each image being your tiles. Granted, I don't know exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but it just sounds like you're going about it the hard way. Smile

So I just reported a bug on github:


I also am getting the error "Unable to load the requested class: github_lib" when attempting to load the update page, which I think ties in with Basketcase is saying that you should just use FTP if possible...

I will see if I can get a github pull to happen through my proxy to help make updates, but no promises Smile

[quote author="troy_mccormick" date="1301603034"]So I just reported a bug on github:


I also am getting the error "Unable to load the requested class: github_lib" when attempting to load the update page, which I think ties in with Basketcase is saying that you should just use FTP if possible...

I will see if I can get a github pull to happen through my proxy to help make updates, but no promises Smile[/quote]

Actually, the github_lib error is because HMVC doesn't seem to look in CI package paths to find stuff... and I added the wrong github_lib file to the repo. Move that file to application/core_modules/update/libraries/github_lib.php and it should work.

Both issues should be fixed in the latest commits.

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