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Controllers inside sub folders

I am developing a site that has many modules. for eg. yellowpages, news, blogs etc. and they would be organized in the following way:

Can anyone please tell me if it's okay to arrange controllers in folders, like as follows:


In the above, "category" is a controller and not a method. "add" is the method and Yellowpages is a subfolder under controllers, and is a module.

Likewise, news is just a folder and not a controller.

So, will the above folder arrangement work, or do I have to store all my controllers in the controller folder itself? What if I have a controller by the name of "yellowpages" inside the controller main folder? Will it clash with the subfolder by the same name?

Sure you can. I think you can only have 1 subfolder deep though for controllers. Don't remember for sure. I do the same thing for my views and create a folder in the view folder named after the controller that the views belong to.

Thanks, I tried it out and it's working smooth. May be I should make sure I dont give same names to subfolders with already existing controllers with the same names in the applications folder root.

Check out HMVC in the WIKI.


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