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help in getting and displaying info from database

i already know how to input data into my database but i just couldnt get it to display the info. I'm stuck in reading the user_guide and i dont know what to do, here's my codes from my view, model and controller.

from the controller (i tried to test and input the $username if it will display in the views, but it doesnt)
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Profilepage extends CI_Controller {

    function __construct()

    function index()
        $username = $this->input->post('username');

from the views
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
    <div align="center"><a href="profilepic"><img src="CI doesnt allow me to post links" width="120" height="120" alt="Photo Here" /></a></div>
  &lt;?php echo $username?&gt;
  <div><p>Name:&lt;?php echo $firstname?&gt; &lt;?php echo $lastname?&gt;</p>
  <p>Email Address:&lt;?php echo $email?&gt;</p>
  <p>Birthdate:&lt;?php echo $bday?&gt;</p>

and from the model
&lt;?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Profile extends CI_Model {

    function __construct()
        // Call the Model constructor
    function getinfo($username)
      $dsn = 'CI doesnt allow me to post links';
      $query = $this->db->query("select username from users");
      return $firstname = $query->row();



im fairly a beginner in CI and doesnt understand it much, i hope you can help me

[eluser]Ben Swinburne[/eluser]
You need to pass the information to the view.

// getinfo() returns an object so either pass it directly
// or save is as a variable then pass it (like the example below)
$data = $this->Profile->getinfo($username);
$this->load->view('profile', $data);

thank you, i did not know that and i have been waiting for a reply, thank you so much you have helped me greatly, i will try this right now

[eluser]Ben Swinburne[/eluser]
In response to a private message, for the benefit of any other readers.

Quote:hey thank you for helping me out. but i have a question
was my model correct? what i was trying to do was get the firstname from my db and then display it in my view but it doesnt, where did i do wrong?

Typically I'd have achieved what you're trying to do like this:

&lt;?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Profile extends CI_Model {  
    function get_info($username) {
      return $this->db->select('firstname')->get_where('users', array('username', $username))->result_array();



&lt;?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Profilepage extends CI_Controller {
    function index() {
        if( $this->input->post('username') ) {
                $data = $this->Profile->get_info($this->input->post('username'));
                $this->load->view('profile', $data);
        } else {
                show_error("You've not submitted a username");


&lt;?php echo $firstname; ?&gt;

I've not commented it but if you have any questions, just ask (in the thread).

thank you so much. works perfectly!

[eluser]Ben Swinburne[/eluser]
Do you understand what I changed to make it work so that you've learned for next time? I spoonfed you a bit there so thought I'd better ask if you understood why it works! Smile


i dont know how to say this but ill try my best

in the model you used a built in function in CI to query and returned an array (this i did not understand why you have to return an array)

in the controller you put $this->input->post('username') into the paramaters of get_info instead of $username, probably because its better
and when i load my view, you added $data in the parameter so that the view(profile) will use it, this I did not and thank you for pointing it out to me Smile

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