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Getting data from multiple tables

I am having problem displaying data from multiple tables (3) first table has 5 fields (eventID*,
which linked with eventID to 2nd table with 5 fileds

now the 3rd table has 4 fields with

my problem is that eventID is not unique, means same eventID has multiple days (0=sunday, 1=monday...and so on)

Here is my query

function get_xml_data()
$this->db->join('event','event.venueID = venue.venueID');
$this->db->join('event_day','event.eventID = event_day.eventID','right');
$this->db->where('event.dateEnd >= current_date');
return $this->db->get();

Here is my view

<?php foreach($xml->result() as $entry): ?>

&lt;title&gt;&lt;?php echo ($entry->name); ?&gt;&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;link&gt;&lt;?php echo site_url('event/detail/' . $entry->eventID) ?&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
<guid>&lt;?php echo site_url('event/detail/' . $entry->eventID) ?&gt;</guid>
<dateBegin>&lt;?php echo ($entry->dateBegin); ?&gt;</dateBegin>
<startTime>&lt;?php echo ($entry->time); ?&gt;</startTime>
<address>&lt;?php echo ($entry->address); ?&gt;
<ticketURL>&lt;?php echo xml_convert($entry->url); ?&gt;</ticketURL>
<eventDay>&lt;?php echo ($entry->day); ?&gt;</eventDay>

&lt;?php endforeach; ?&gt;

It returns same event multiple times with different days in each one. I want to display one event with multiple days like <eventDay>0,1,2,3,4,5</eventDay> what do I need to do? Can anyone help?

I am not sure if I am clear with my problem..

if you wanted to keep the database as is you could do somthing like (ITS UNTESTSED, just to give you a concept)

  function get_xml_data()
    $this->db->join('event','event.venueID = venue.venueID');
    $this->db->join('event_day','event.eventID = event_day.eventID','right');
    $this->db->where('event.dateEnd >= current_date');
    $dbres =  $this->db->get();

    // [edit] add missing ;
    $retarr = array();
    // build up an events array
    // [<eventid>][<num>][<sql fieldname from join>]

    foreach ($dbres->result_array() as $key => $value) {
      if (!defined($retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']])) {
        // [edit] add missing ;
        $retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']] = array();
      // [] will append to the array i.e [<event id>][0], [<event id>][1] etc
      $retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']][] = $dbres[$key];
    return $retarr;  

then in the view

&lt;?php foreach($xml as $eventid => $eventrows_array): ?&gt;
  echo "EVENT =: ".$eventid."BR";
  &lt;?php foreach($eventrows_array as $key => $dbrow): ?&gt;
     echo "DAY = $dbrow['day']"
  &lt;?php endforeach; ?&gt;
&lt;?php endforeach; ?&gt;

Is eventid unique in the events table? if not then maybee the database design needs a bit of thought.

If eventID is not unique in the events table, is it because you have a many2many relationship between events & venues (e.g. a venue can have many events, and an event can have many venues) or between events & event_days?

If this is the case then maybe you should have a lookup table between the many2many relationship so you can keep the eventID unique in the events table to save you having to replicate data.

eventID in events and venue tables are unique but the eventID in the event_day table is not.

I ran the model and get Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FOREACH in xml_model.php on line 33

line 33. foreach ($dbres->result_array() as $key => $value) {
line 34. if (!defined($retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']])) {

Hi I did say it was untested.. it was more a concept

the error your getting is because before line 33

$retarr = array() needs a ; on the end

$retarr = array();

I will edit the code in my original reply and add some missing ;

.. see

// [edit]

in the comments

Hey GTech

I am a little frustrated and did even see the missing ;. I think we are on the right track though, I got the view page to load but there is no data rendered on the page not sure if I did something incorrectly. Hmmmm any other ideas? Use controller??

put a


before the return in the get_xml_data just to see if the arrays getting populated (dont forget to take it out when it works)

Also put a


just before the foreach in the view... it should be the same as whats being returned in get_xml_data

So I've been going through this trying to adapt it to my code as I have a pretty similar scenario.

Or - maybe someone has a solution that they have used already.

I'm just setting up tags on posts - my schema is pretty simple:



I have a sql statement that is returning all entries and the tags that are associated with the entries:
$this->db->join('entry_tags','entries.entry_id = entry_tags.entry_id','left');
$this->db->join('tags','tags.id = entry_tags.tag_id','left');

entry_id    title        body     author     tag
1           test title   body 1   auth       chicken
1           test title   body 1   auth       salt
1           test title   body 1   auth       pork

So, I want to return to my function one row with:
entry_id    title        body     author     tag
1           test title   body 1   auth       arr(chicken,salt,pork)

I went through gtech's code
foreach ($dbres->result_array() as $key => $value) {
      if (!defined($retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']])) {
        // [edit] add missing ;
        $retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']] = array();
      // [] will append to the array i.e [<event id>][0], [<event id>][1] etc
      $retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']][] = $dbres[$key];
    return $retarr;

and adapted it to my code - as it seemed similar (maybe I am really missing something here though?)

on this line:

if (!defined($retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']])) {
        // [edit] add missing ;
        $retarr[$dbres[$key]['eventID']] = array();
I kept getting "undefined 'eventID'" error in php...

I swear I have been racking my brain to try and figure out how I am not converting the code above to work in my situation - any help would be greatly appreciated.

eventID does not exist in any of you database columns, so thats why you get the error.

your example is slightly different and there may be a better solution, I have adapted the code and put it below... its UNTESTED as I couldn't be bothered to set up the database. Its just an idea so you get the concept,

Use some echos to debug it, or print_r to display array contents (don't forget to take them out as this can result in a headers already sent error message). e.g . print_r($dbres->result_array());

My Untested code:
// print_r($dbres->result_array());

$retarr = array();
foreach ($dbres->result_array() as $key => $dbrow_array) {
  // echo "<br>KEY:".$key."<BR>";
  // print_r($dbrow_array);
  // echo "<br>";
  if (!defined($retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']])) {
    $retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']] = $dbrow_array;
    $retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']]['tags'] = array();
    $retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']]['tags'][] = $dbrow_array['tag'];
  } else {
    $retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']]['tags'][] = $dbrow_array['tag'];
  // print_r($retarr);

// the idea is to return [<entry id>][<db field name>] .. containing the field value
//                       [<entry id>]['tags'][<num>] .. containing the tag name
return $retarr;

[quote author="gtech" date="1196282239"]eventID does not exist in any of you database columns, so thats why you get the error.


hehe - thanks - I know, I modified my code to fit, I wasnt using eventID for my own code - I thought it would be easier to explain if I just left all the original code on here.

[quote author="gtech" date="1196282239"]
your example is slightly different and there may be a better solution, I have adapted the code and put it below... its UNTESTED as I couldn't be bothered to set up the database. Its just an idea so you get the concept,

Use some echos to debug it, or print_r to display array contents (don't forget to take them out as this can result in a headers already sent error message). e.g . print_r($dbres->result_array());

My Untested code:
// print_r($dbres->result_array());

$retarr = array();
foreach ($dbres->result_array() as $key => $dbrow_array) {
  // echo "<br>KEY:".$key."<BR>";
  // print_r($dbrow_array);
  // echo "<br>";
  if (!defined($retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']])) {
    $retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']] = $dbrow_array;
    $retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']]['tags'] = array();
    $retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']]['tags'][] = $dbrow_array['tag'];
  } else {
    $retarr[$dbrow_array['entry_id']]['tags'][] = $dbrow_array['tag'];
  // print_r($retarr);

// the idea is to return [<entry id>][<db field name>] .. containing the field value
//                       [<entry id>]['tags'][<num>] .. containing the tag name
return $retarr;

Thank you - I will check this out when I get some time!

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