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Auto generate Model, views, controler from table's sql

Some frameworks generate these files automatically from database tables (symfony, YII). Is it possible in CodeIgniter's?? If not , why not?? If yes, How ??

I dont think it is possible in the basic version but some people have made "plugins" like that. Search google for "codeigniter crud generator" and im sure you will find many different possibilities.

thanks donald...googled for “codeigniter crud generator” and found this http://projects.keithics.com/crud-genera...deigniter/ . Let me give it a try then i will share my experience.

BTW i thought CI will have this feature built in. Now i m confused, if CI is one of best php framework then why it does not have CRUD generator feature ?? Thoughts ??

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
[quote author="mysterious" date="1307617725"]thanks donald...googled for “codeigniter crud generator” and found this http://projects.keithics.com/crud-genera...deigniter/ . Let me give it a try then i will share my experience.

BTW i thought CI will have this feature built in. Now i m confused, if CI is one of best php framework then why it does not have CRUD generator feature ?? Thoughts ??[/quote]

CI let's you make your own designs, rather than offering a single style as the defacto standard. You will find several CRUD generators have been offered by the community, each has different features. The same is true of utilities (Authorization, etc.). Do a search of the CI Wiki and this forum. It is a case of one size does not fit all.

i think the utilities should include the CRUD generator wow

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