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Check text form input against database table for validity, then copy info to other database table

I am new to CI, have been developing in Wordpress, and I am a web designer that has been shoved into development because we can't hire a proper developer, so my programming abilities are mostly reserved to things I can cut and paste, and edit minimally. I've gone through the CodeIgniter from Scratch series on Nettuts, so I understand the MVC pattern.

I am having to build a kiosk to collect customer data and handle email newsletter sign-ups. I have built a simple text-input collection form that works, but I want data to be more uniform.

I have put a location data table based on postal code into my kiosk database. What I'm shooting for is that a customer will enter their postal code into a text input, and when the form is submitted, it will check with the location data table to verify that the postal code exists, and if so, it will copy data fields I specify into the customer information table.

The logic seems pretty simple to me, but my lack of programming experience is making it very difficult to utilize the resources at hand to solve this problem. I hate asking for handouts, but I would appreciate any help that I can get, either in links to good resources or even code suggestions.

Thanks in advance!

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