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Optimising CodeIgniter Code

Hi guys,

I'm working on a site at the moment http://premier5s.com and it's pretty much complete but I'm just optimising the code so it runs a tad quicker. After doing some tests from google's speed online and the WebPageTest it's coming back that I should:

1 - Set an expiry on my images and javascript, which I thought I already had done that, but clearly I amn't doing it right is there a way in CI to do this properly?

2 - To apply GZIP compression on my javascript hosted locally. I have set the variable in CI within the config file to TRUE, so I thought this would do this automatically.

Could anyone shed some light on these problems as I'm thinking later down the line when I have lots of content I want it to still be as quick as possible.

Thanks in advance

This has nothing to do with optimizing CodeIgniter's code.

You can set your ETAGS and gzip configs using your .htaccess file. That's related to Apache's configuration, not CodeIgniter.

After taking a look to your homepage, I thinks that's pretty light ( < 200kb).

As your site grows, it's more likely to have SQL-related bottle-necks and you'll have optimize some queries. Or you might want to use some sort of cache (CodeIgniter comes blunded with a cache system).

But I would not recommend to hack the core trying to shorten load times.

Good Luck!

Hey fedesias, thanks for looking into this, you're right my sql is a bitbit poor and ill probably have the biggest gains by doing that properly! Thanks again!

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