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Matchbox RC2

It works just great now! Thanks for all the work you've put into solving my issues/requests. It's the coolest add-on to CI I've seen, and the upcoming installer will make it even better! Let me know if you need any help coding/testing.

esra: That's some pretty neat stuff. EXTJS seems a bit too restrictive for most of the applications i make, but I can see multiple projects in which it could become handy.

gerben: Glad to hear you got it working. I'm very happy about the $callers addition. So thanks. Smile

Below is my directory structure


my question is how can i get the modules basepath into the register.php.. i need to create the captcha image with the base url to the captcha image directry.

Well. That's not possible in the current release. But I'll keep it in mind for the next.

Now why is it that you need to get the basepath? If it's for a particular module I'd guess you would already know it yourself:

$path = APPPATH . 'modules/user/files/captcha/';

[quote author="Zacharias Knudsen" date="1196894649"]Well. That's not possible in the current release. But I'll keep it in mind for the next.

Now why is it that you need to get the basepath? If it's for a particular module I'd guess you would already know it yourself:

$path = APPPATH . 'modules/user/files/captcha/';[/quote]

Never tried this on a path, but the a string could be created in a language file under modules/modulename/language/<idiom>/ for the controller. The lang file could be loaded and the string could be assigned to a variable within the controller. This should work:

$lang['user_register_path'] = APPPATH . "modules/user/";


Should scaffolding work with Matchbox? (ver 0.9.2) I'm new to CI so it's entirely possible that I'm doing something wrong, but I have it working on a non-matchbox install.

eg: I have a 'news' module and it's functioning within the module/class/function layout. Although when I enable scaffolding, it never works. (same 'news' class under stock CI works)

uri of: site.com/index.php/news/scaffold/ throws an error of: Unable to load the requested file: view.php

uri of: site.com/index.php/news/news/scaffold/ just runs the 'index' function from the news class.

The Scaffolding of CI is very limited (it doesn't even work with controllers in subdirectories). I'm not sure if it works with Matchbox, and I know of people who've had problems with it as well so its not just you Wink

However, if it is possible you are definately going to need to have a controller with the same name as the module, you can then access it by yoursite.com/module/method (no need for controllername). Try it out, I'm afraid it won't work though.

I might extend the Scaffolding class in the next release in order to let it work with modules Smile

I was wondering if I have 4 modules using the same helpers, libraries, models and scripts. Does Matchbox allow me to just autoload all these once, and store them once or do I need to include them within each module folder and load them each time?

In lieu of scaffolding, you could create module with a view containing an iframe and set the iframe attributes to load something like phpMyAdmin which might prove more useful for your needs.

I appreciate the scaffolding info. Just good to make sure I wasn't barking up the wrong tree.

The scaffolding sounded pretty cool at first, but just having another phpMyAdmin window open is sufficient.

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