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DataMapper ORM v1.8.2

Looks like you have defined the relation 'group' as required. Giving 'group_id' a value doesn't make the related 'group' object magically appear.

I just wanted to confirm something about join fields.

The include_join_fields() examples in the user guide say this:
// Create User
$u = new User();

// get all alarms for this user, and include the extra 'wasfired' field

foreach($u->alarm as $alarm) {
    if($alarm->join_wasfired) {
        echo("{$alarm->name} was fired\n");
    } else {
        echo("{$alarm->name} was NOT fired\n");

What if I have a collection of users that I need to get the include_join_fields() for?

This works, but seems like dirty coding to me:
// Get Users
$u = new User();

// get all alarms for this user, and include the extra 'wasfired' field
foreach($u as $user) {

    foreach($user->alarm as $alarm) {
        if($alarm->join_wasfired) {
            echo("{$alarm->name} was fired\n");
        } else {
            echo("{$alarm->name} was NOT fired\n");

What is the best practice here?

Update -- Ignore This
I found my answer here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54485...datamapper

Hey WanWizard/folks.

I understand that Datamapper ORM supports both MySQL and Postgres backends. The application I'm building requires both.
What's your suggestion for getting it running on both databases at once?

There are a few ways I can see this working -- forgive me if I've just missed the documentation:

1) I could put a field on the model ... var $db = "postgres"; or var $db = "mysql"; for instance.
2) Separate the postgres models into a new models folder ... /application/pgmodels for instance.
3) Prefix the postgres models with Pg... Pganimal() for instance.

What's your suggestion here?

As always, your help is appreciated.

Hi WanWizard,

I have 2 classes:

class User extends DataMapper {
        // Table: users

// Relationship
var $has_one = array('group');
var $has_many = array('privilege', 'page', 'article');

class Page extends DataMapper {
        // Table: pages

// Relationship
var $has_one = array('user');

When I delete a user I got a database error:
Table 'cms.pages_users' doesn't exist

DELETE FROM `pages_users` WHERE `user_id` = 22

[eluser]Damir Sivic[/eluser]
"A joining table must exist between each $has_many related normal tables." DM manual

"Joining tables must be named with both of the table names it is joining, in alphabetical order, separated by an underscore (_). For example, the joining table for users and countries is countries_users." DM manual

[quote author="Damir Sivic" date="1367846376"]"A joining table must exist between each $has_many related normal tables." DM manual

"Joining tables must be named with both of the table names it is joining, in alphabetical order, separated by an underscore (_). For example, the joining table for users and countries is countries_users." DM manual[/quote]

I think: One to many or many to one don't need a joinning table. In pages table, I have a field named: user_id.

[eluser]Damir Sivic[/eluser]
Table 'cms.pages_users' doesn't exist

DELETE FROM `pages_users` WHERE `user_id` = 22

but the error says that you using many to many relationship.

[quote author="Damir Sivic" date="1367918837"]
Table 'cms.pages_users' doesn't exist

DELETE FROM `pages_users` WHERE `user_id` = 22

but the error says that you using many to many relationship.[/quote]

It is so weird. I don't understand, in user class I defined:
var $has_many = array('page');

and page class:
var $has_one = array('user');

[eluser]Damir Sivic[/eluser]
class User extends DataMapper {

var $has_many = array( 'page');

class Page extends DataMapper {

var $has_one = array( 'user');

this is many to one...

[quote author="Damir Sivic" date="1367940358"]
class User extends DataMapper {

var $has_many = array( 'page');

class Page extends DataMapper {

var $has_one = array( 'user');

this is many to one...[/quote]

I edited:
class User extends DataMapper {

var $has_one = array( 'page');

class Page extends DataMapper {

var $has_one = array( 'user');

But I still got error:
Table 'cms.pages_users' doesn't exist

DELETE FROM `pages_users` WHERE `user_id` = 22

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