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DataMapper ORM v1.8.2

[quote author="WanWizard" date="1329569892"]Datamapper actually uses CI's database classes, including "active record", to access the database.

So yes, everything CI does, Datamapper does too.[/quote]

Thank you WanWizard for the reply and specially for very great product!


"Active Record" term in CI, was misplaced terminology, dont you think WanWizard? I will call it "query builder", with extra object hydrator method.

Absolutely. I actually have that on one of my slides for CICONF in about an hour... Wink

We've proposed to Pascal Kriete last night to rename it to QB, but I think it was "lost in beer" somewhere...

Hi all,

I have yet another small question... I have hierarchical menu with relationship between id and parent_id, I have created model like that:

class menu_model extends DataMapper {

var $table = "menu";

var $has_one = array(

'parent' => array(
'class' => 'menu',
'other_field' => 'pid'

var $has_many = array(

'child' => array(
'class' => 'menu',
'other_field' => 'id'

function __construct()

and inside the controller:

$c1 = new menu_model();

The problem is that print_r($c1,2) is returning not only DB content, but language translations and other staff as well, the data looks like few pages long array. Is it normal or I am doing something incorrectly?

Because Datamapper uses CI as much as possible, var_dump() and print_r() show a lot of information related to linked CI stuff, which is due to CI's architecture of hooking everything into $this. You don't have to worry about it, it's all by reference, so it doesn't take up (much) space. But it makes debugging more complex.

What I usually do is to load the 'array' extension (I actually do that by default), so you can do
// dump the current object
// dump all loaded objects

I like that, it is a nice dump of the object. Is there an easy way to also dump all the objects that the current object has? Without needing to write a foreach for every one etc?

If a Person has_many Friends. This won't dump the friends.

Just wondering. Else I'll write something myself, cause this is indeed handy.

That is exactly what all_to_array() does.

For that list of objects.

Example: 10 people are 10 instances of Person. It would show all 10 Person objects. But if each Person has an instance of a Pet class, it does not show those.

Currently to_array() and all_to_array() will add an array of id's when loaded relations are detected.

So if a Person would have a relation called 'pet', and there are 3 pets loaded, the array entry for that Person would contain 'pet' => array(1,5,12), assuming those are the id's of the loaded pets.

Not including them completely was done on purpose, to limit the size of the array.

That makes sense. In this case I'd love to see them, so I am just writing a little function for it. Smile Keep up the good work.

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