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DataMapper ORM v1.8.2

thank you WanWizard, I really appreciate it.
Wow, 80 hour weeks?? Take your time, man, get some rest.
I do wish you can take a little look at my problem, but I think I can find out the alternative way meanwhile.
Just, take your time.


Yeah, busy times. I'm designing a new datacenter for a client, I need to run my company, I'm project lead for another PHP framework, board member in another large OSS project, and then I have to find time to maintain Datamapper. And some sleep... Ah, well, you can sleep when your dead... Wink

Bug found and fixed: https://bitbucket.org/wanwizard/datamapp...953f71d58d.

Thanks for doing the debugging.

Just curious what's the other php framework your a project lead for? publicly available?

Thanks a lot @WanWizard, I didnt think you will fix it so quick, thanks so much, man, I will give it a try.
And..wow...I can't imagine even for a second, I'm in your position...got tons of responsibilities yet giving a lot of contributions to the communities, you really bring your life a priceless worth, man...
And, umm...don't tell me you do that only for bandwidth..Tongue
I really wish you keep those great works up!
Thank you once more..

[quote author="CI-Newb" date="1348745032"]Just curious what's the other php framework your a project lead for? publicly available? [/quote]
Let's keep this a CodeIgniter forum, before you know it a simple question like this ends in a 'my framework is bigger then yours' flame war... Wink

[quote author="rick20" date="1348754378"]Thanks a lot @WanWizard, I didnt think you will fix it so quick, thanks so much, man, I will give it a try.
And..wow...I can't imagine even for a second, I'm in your position...got tons of responsibilities yet giving a lot of contributions to the communities, you really bring your life a priceless worth, man...
And, umm...don't tell me you do that only for bandwidth..Tongue
I really wish you keep those great works up!
Thank you once more..[/quote]
No, I stopped doing it for bandwidth a long time ago, but the nick and avatar stayed.

I do it for posts like this. Thanks! Smile (Oh, and because it's fun to do...)

Hello WanWizard.
I have just discovered one serious bug in self relationship model.
Here is the scenario: create absolute copy of this http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/196220/#923408. It will perfectly work. But if add new field named 'organization' (the same as model) - my local apache server will crash!
I'm sure that there is no need to fix that, but it need to be mentioned (maybe here http://datamapper.wanwizard.eu/pages/reservednames.html).

Best regards.

Hi WanWizard,

How would you formulate the query to get all objects of a specific class that don't have a relationship with another class?

For examples, I have a class PERSON(id, firstname, lastname) that connects to EMPLOYMENT (id, start_date, end_date, person_id) which connects to COMPANY(id, company_name) using the table companies_employments(id, company_id, employment_id).

I want to be able to populate a list of all instances of PERSON that don't have an EMPLOYMENT. (Forget about start and end_dates, I just want to see a list of person where there is no employment record for).

So in pseudo SQL : SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE person.id NOT IN (array of all person_id in employment table)

[quote author="smi23" date="1348861607"]Hello WanWizard.
I have just discovered one serious bug in self relationship model.
Here is the scenario: create absolute copy of this http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/196220/#923408. It will perfectly work. But if add new field named 'organization' (the same as model) - my local apache server will crash!
I'm sure that there is no need to fix that, but it need to be mentioned (maybe here http://datamapper.wanwizard.eu/pages/reservednames.html).
I find it difficult to believe that some PHP code in a model class can crash your webserver.

And I don't understand what you want added to the reserved names. "organisation" isn't a reserved name.

[quote author="AAtticus" date="1348921113"]Hi WanWizard,

How would you formulate the query to get all objects of a specific class that don't have a relationship with another class?[/quote]


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