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Javascript.php library broken

After hours of fiddling with the javascript library and trying to follow the multitude of examples on the web, I finally looked into the source and must say that it makes no sense

The standard external method always generates a bogus script URL because it simply duplicates the argument passed in. By setting $this->_javascript_location to the $external_file argument and then returning $this->_javascript_location.$external_file one always ends up with something like http://localhost/js/jquery.jsjquery.js for example

Or am I completely misunderstanding this? Can someone explain how this is supposed to work? All I want to do is to add additional javascript libraries I have in a special directory I have specified in config

function external($external_file = '', $relative = FALSE)
if ($external_file !== '')
$this->_javascript_location = $external_file;
if ($this->CI->config->item('javascript_location') != '')
$this->_javascript_location = $this->CI->config->item('javascript_location');

if ($relative === TRUE OR strncmp($external_file, 'http://', 7) == 0 OR strncmp($external_file, 'https://', 8) == 0)
$str = $this->_open_script($external_file);
elseif (strpos($this->_javascript_location, 'http://') !== FALSE)
$str = $this->_open_script($this->_javascript_location.$external_file);
$str = $this->_open_script($this->CI->config->slash_item('base_url').$this->_javascript_location.$external_file);

$str .= $this->_close_script();
return $str;

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