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I want to show user profiles like


I tried to do this with

$route['(:any)'] = "images/users_pictures/$1";

after this line I can call users pages like url above but get problem with long url ... not shorted yet with routers. For example I have
So when I can controller users -> function logout it send me to users page (* logout function must redirect to main if everything is ok*)

When I delete my new route line everything work ok, so my functions works ! I need help with route.

Sorry for my poor English, suppose you understand my problem and can help me
Thank you

routes are matched in order from top to bottom so make your longer route paths first and your shorter route paths next:

$route['(:any)/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = "wherever";
$route['(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = "wherever";
$route['(:any)/(:any)'] = "wherever";
$route['(:any)'] = "images/users_pictures/$1";

[eluser]Dhanapal MCA[/eluser]
$route['(:any)/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = "wherever";
$route['(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = "wherever";
$route['(:any)/(:any)'] = "wherever";
$route['(:any)'] = "images/users_pictures/$1";

Why do you always have to repeat someone's else answer?

That's a good way to get banned form the forums...

[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1327046962"]Why do you always have to repeat someone's else answer?

That's a good way to get banned form the forums...

Maybe it's another type of spam-bot? Who knows how intelligent they are and what abilities they have nowadays Wink

Thank you for answer but I get an error trying to do as you write above.

Here is all my route
$route['default_controller'] = "main_page";
$route['404_override'] = '';

$route['upload'] = "images/upload_image";

$route['(:any)/(:any)'] = "auth/logout";

$route['(:any)/(:any)'] = "auth/login_from_index";

$route['(:any)'] = "images/users_pictures/$1";

The problem is that
do not work both only that one what is below in this example work only
$route['(:any)/(:any)'] = "auth/login_from_index";
$route['(:any)/(:any)'] = "auth/logout";
- do not work . Why?

To elaborate, routes work in order from most specific to most generic, so most specific pages need to be at the top.

If you create a (:any) route, it will work for ANY URL. Routes do not check if a controller or page exists in your application - it only knows what you tell it. So if you want a catchall route such as (:any), you also need to include routes for your individual static pages that exist.

$route['default_controller'] = "main_page";
$route['404_override'] = '';

$route['users/(:any)'] = "users/$1";
$route['users'] = 'users';

$route['upload'] = "images/upload_image";

$route['(:any)'] = "images/users_pictures/$1";

[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1327046962"]Why do you always have to repeat someone's else answer?

That's a good way to get banned form the forums...
[/quote]trying to get post counts up so they can post [spam] links

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