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URL Question

I have an application that I've written that uses a controller called app, but I'd like the URL that is presented to the user to be simply /a instead of /app

I've tried adjusting routes as well as entries in my .htaccess, but I just can't seem to make it work as I'd like. Can someone point me in a direction?

Try adding this to your routes:

$route['a/'] = "app/index";

and then make any links as just www.example.com/a which should redirect to the app controller, index method.

This will only work if the url is exactly http://yoursite.com/a
If you want it to work with additional parameters, like http://yoursite/a/foo you need additional routes, but you only mentioned wanting /a to go to /app.
$route['a'] = 'app';  //a => app/index (index is automatic if excluded and only 1 segment in the destination)

$route['a/(:any)'] = 'app/$1';
$route['a'] = 'app';

cannot believe it was that easy. I had been doing the $route['a/(:any)'] = 'app/$1' but that wasn't getting the index. Thanks for the help.

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