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Dropdown not getting validated

I usually use:
$options[0] = 'Select an Option';
for a default value, and
'is_natural_no_zero' for the rule.

What do I need to do about it so that if that nothing is chosen then it gives the error.

Try what I suggested in my previous post.

That didn't work. All that did was make it an option to add and I tested it out and it didn't even give any error.

Any other suggestions because I'm still stuck on this issue?

Don't know, sorry. I never use multiple select dropdowns as a lot of people don't know how to use them, so I use checkboxes for that kind of multiple selection. I know the regular dropdowns work just fine with validation.

I'm hoping someone will know and help me out. Thank you though.

Here's what I have for my current view code for the muliselect.

<div class="section _100">
&lt;?php echo form_label('Recipient', 'recipient'); ?&gt;
$options = array();
$options[] = 'Select an Option';
foreach($users AS $user)
    $options[$user->userID] = $user->firstName.' '.$user->lastName;
<div>&lt;?php echo form_multiselect('recipient[]', $options, ' ', 'class="required"'); ?&gt;</div>

I tried working with it more and trying to figure it out on my own but I'm just having no luck. Any ideas?

Issue was solved. I had to place class="validate" inside the form open tag as well and not just the dropdown itself.

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