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Calling a function from inside a view

No, code that has to do with displaying data should be in the view. Code dealing with retrieving data should be in the controller.
function recup_email()
    $CI =& get_instance();
    return $CI->unite_model->email_membre_model();  //just return it and load vars in the controller      
$data['em'] = recup_email();
<?php foreach($em as $e): ?>
<?php echo $e->email_membre; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Also, do you mean "recoup" ? Smile

Hi thank you a lot for your help.

It's a really good idea but in your example, I don't understand how you call the controller.

Thank you a lot.

Yes, I mean « recoup », sorry Smile

Is it a way to recoup data without loading a view ?

function recup_email()
        $CI =& get_instance();
        return $CI->unite_model->email_membre_model();        

And my view :
<?php $em = recup_email(); ?>
<?php foreach($em as $e): ?>
<?php echo $e->email_membre; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Take a look the code that is surrounded by "//#####" and try that.

Thank you so much !! It's exactly what I want. Thanks !

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