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Library inside library

Hi Friends

How can call a library class in anothor library..
i created two libraries
i have one library name abcd and abcd is bcd
class CI_abcd {

var $obj;

function CI_abcd ()
$this->obj =& get_instance();

$this->obj->load->library('ua_abcd ');
'User Authentication Class Initialised via '.get_class($this->obj));

this is correct way to call ??

Yes. A library where you use the get_instance function isn't that much different from a model or controller.

but i am getting this error..

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined property: Front::$authorize

Filename: controllers/front.php

Line Number: 44

Fatal error: Call to a member function roleCheck() on a non-object in E:\xampp\htdocs\userauth\system\application\controllers\front.php on line 44

Anybody can help me

you will have to give more information
post the code of the controller and if possible the library that is being loaded

one tip is to make sure that library files are named correctly.
recommended is the first character of the name is in uppercase and the rest in lower
i.e. libraries/Auth.php
and when you load the library you can use either upper or lower case for the name, but the name of the object created will always be all lower case
should both work but the call to the library will always then be lowercase
but not
$this->Auth->check(); // WILL NOT WORK

I also noticed from your previous example that you were calling your class CI_abc or similar.
Do not...
Only core CI classes are prefixed with CI
You should just call it abc or whatever
class Auth {

Thanks for your reply ...
i have already tried this ..
but its not working...
any other solution from your side???

one library is---Userauth
class CI_Userauth {

var $obj;

function CI_Userauth()
$this->obj =& get_instance();
$this->obj->load->model('user_group_model', '', TRUE);
$this->obj->load->model('remember_me', '', TRUE);
'User Authentication Class Initialised via '.get_class($this->obj));

another one is
class Ua_authorize {

// ACL variables
var $allowed_users = array(); // Allowed Groups and users
var $denied_users = array(); // Denied Groups and users
var $allowed_set = FALSE; // Has set_allowed() been used
var $denied_set = FALSE; // Has set_denied() been used
var $allow = FALSE; // Cuurent status of permission

function Ua_authorize()
$this->obj =& get_instance();

I do not see the method roleCheck nor the place where it is called in the code you have provided
please be a bit more complete with the code
if you can show the full code and indicate where exactly the error is occuring maybe we can help

I guess both files are in the libraries directory? and you call the roleCheck method like this

Thanks for your reply here is library..

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Ua_authorize {

var $allowed_users = array(); // Allowed Groups and users
var $denied_users = array(); // Denied Groups and users
var $allowed_set = FALSE; // Has set_allowed() been used
var $denied_set = FALSE; // Has set_denied() been used
var $allow = FALSE; // Cuurent status of permission

function Ua_authorize()
$this->obj =& get_instance();

function roleCheck($role = 'guest', $uri = '')
If ( $role != 'guest' ) {

$list = 'ua_role_'.$role.'_allow';
$list = $this->obj->config->item($list);
if( !empty($list) ) { $this->set_allow($list); }

$list = 'ua_role_'.$role.'_deny';
$list = $this->obj->config->item($list);
if( !empty($list) ) { $this->set_deny($list); }
$this->obj->session->set_flashdata('uri', $uri);

log_message('debug','roleCheck: Role = '.$role);

if(!$this->obj->userauth->check('', TRUE)) {

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