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Problem While Encrypting

[eluser]Md. Iftekharul Islam Sakib[/eluser]
I am encrypting the userid and password before saving to database. When user wants to login, the user give his/her login id and password. But now if I encrypt the given userid to find out the savedpassword in databse it doesn't work.

This is because in codeigniter encryption of a same value doesn't return same value

$msg = 'My secret message';

$encrypted_string1 = $this->encrypt->encode($msg);
$encrypted_string2 = $this->encrypt->encode($msg);

Now, if i first find out all the username and password first & then decode them to find the correct password it will be very unefficient.

How To cope up with this problem.

Thank You in advance for help.


Why not use Hash's? like sha1 and Md5?
example: sha1(sha1(sha1($password).$salt).$userid)
Its really safe as its user specific (User Id) and has Unique salt (set in config file...)
Also if you ask, I think encode isnt the best idea to do if its about password as that would mean
anyone has a small chance of breaking the encryption and getting password, which would mean
that user has lost his password cause YoU..... would be right, would it?

[eluser]Md. Iftekharul Islam Sakib[/eluser]
[quote author="nagata" date="1339669986"]
Thank You For Reply. I am using SHA1 for password encryption. But problem occurs due to encrypted user id.

could you post the code you are using for it?
so I and other can see where is the problem ourself.

[eluser]Md. Iftekharul Islam Sakib[/eluser]
$msg = 'My secret message';

$encrypted_string1 = $this->encrypt->encode($msg);
$encrypted_string2 = $this->encrypt->encode($msg);  

echo("They Are Equal");
echo("They Are Not Equal");

The Answer of The above code should be They Are Equal. But result comes in codeigniter They Are Not Equal

Add this to your ./application/helpers/your_helper.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* gen_hash()
* Usage:   gen_hash($str_1); or gen_hash($str_1, $str_2); etc;
* Hashes the password with the CI config item 32-bit encryption key
* using SHA-512. I place this in my user_model.
* You can also pass in the password field to
* this method to generate the encryption key then return the value.
* NOTE: The Database password field needs to be varchar(128)
* Can also be used for generating hash for other values.
* You can also pass a second parameter to this method if needed.
* @access public
* @param string - $str_1 - default value
* @param string - $str_2 - optional value
* @retrun string - the 128 char encrypted string
if ( ! function_exists('gen_hash'))
function gen_hash($str_1, $str_2 = '')
  $_ci = get_instance();
  return hash('SHA512', $str_1 . $_ci->config->item('encryption_key') . $str_2);

You cand change the SHA512 in the hash method to any of the hash values, but you will also need to change the size of the database field.

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