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what is the recomended ways to manage assets in CI 2.1.0?

In codeigniter 2.1.0, what is the recomended way for managing asset such as css, javascripts, images, etc which require direct access to folder?

Just browsing and in this blog: http://opensourceau.wordpress.com/2012/0...deigniter/
explain how to manage assets, but in the bottom of the blog, the writer write that the more secure way is to use assets helper, which i think in the forum said that it was not for CI 2.1.0, so my question is still how to manage assets in CI 2.1.0? did asset helper is already updated and can be used in CI 2.1.0

The person who wrote that blog seemed to be sharing some ideas that he had recently learnt himself, and observes that using an asset helper would be the next step, but one for which he's not ready, preferring for the moment the clarity of an explicit load of each of his assets. Fair enough.

However, I doubt that he is referring to a specific asset helper, as there are lots of them available for Codeigniter with varying degrees of sophistication. Here's a (probably incomplete) list:
Assets (my personal favourite)
Carabiner (also widely used)

Thank's for your list... i will try them. getsparks tools look interesting...

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