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AjaxFw (CJAX) For CodeIgnater 5.0 Stable

I am experiencing anather problem:
it seems uri_string() from url_helper doesn't work on ajax.php.

More it seems default method for response controllers is the one with same name of controller and not index(). isnt't it?

Can you provide an example how you are using it?, the url usage it's pretty straight forward using ajax.php?controller/function/var1/var2 etc,, please see url styles doc: http://cjax.sourceforge.net/docs/passing_parameters.php and http://cjax.sourceforge.net/docs/url_styles.php

[quote author="Ajaxboy" date="1355077660"]Can you provide an example how you are using it?, the url usage it's pretty straight forward using ajax.php?controller/function/var1/var2 etc,, please see url styles doc: http://cjax.sourceforge.net/docs/passing_parameters.php and http://cjax.sourceforge.net/docs/url_styles.php[/quote]

Thi is my file application/response/parmetro.php controller
class Parmetro extends CI_Controller
function __construct()

function index()
  echo "index function";
  echo "<br>uri string".uri_string();
function group($id=8)
  echo "id=$id <br />";
  if(!isset($id)) echo "id not set";
  echo "<br>uri string".uri_string();
function parmetro()
  echo "parmetro function";
  echo "<br>uri string".uri_string();

First, if I call:
ajax.php?parmetro or ajax/parmetro
I get output from function parmetro() not from function index()

in any case if I call any function of this controller I can't get uri_string() function from standard url_helper
to give me the uri segment, both if i have in the url ? or /.
I need it to have a callback to work

On the countrary everything works as expected if i put the same controller in the ordinary controllers/ folder (but then can't use ajaxfw Sad )

$ajax->overLay() and session data

And here just a question:

if I have

$overlay = $ajax->overLay(base_url().'index.php/mycontroller/myfunction');
$ajax->Exec("link", $overlay);

when i clik the link 'link' it overlays the output of mycontroller/myfunction
BUT mycontroller/myfunction can't retrive userdata session variables previously defined (so for example I can't check user permission)
How can I do that? HOW does actually append method work?

thanks again for your attention

Maybe you canmove this to the 5.2 5.3 version post?
I can work around other issues easy, but for this one I have to do to much invasive tricks i think

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