Fetching Video from other site [ Help ] |
[eluser]Justin Patel[/eluser]
Hello Friends, I want to fetch videos form other site and show it on my flash player. But I am not able to do this. I am trying to fetch videos from http://www.megavideo.com/ please help me thanks
If you look at the video page source code you find following Code: <embed width="484" height="418" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" flashvars="waitingtime=5000&flv=UIIM###JJJ edit : it seems the forum filters already decoded the flv value.
[eluser]Justin Patel[/eluser]
[quote author="xwero" date="1202052230"]If you look at the video page source code you find following Code: <embed width="484" height="418" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" flashvars="waitingtime=5000&flv=UIIM###JJJ edit : it seems the forum filters already decoded the flv value.[/quote] you can put the flv value without the code tag ![]()
[eluser]Justin Patel[/eluser]
It seems that you have very good knowledge of the <embed> tag can you please help me to get out of this problem here is my problem : Code: <object width="425" height="355"> URL :"http://localhost/test1.php?id=101" I am trying to embed this code so any one can see the video. but it does not work if we put any other url like URL = " http://www.youtube.com/v/q_cAvH4oWsE&rel=1 " then it works I have stuck it here for last 3-4 days but no idea why does not it work please help me
[eluser]Justin Patel[/eluser]
here is my test1.php <embed></embed> <span id="video0" class="flashvideo"> var s0 = new SWFObject("http://localhost/music/js/flvplayer.swf","n0","420","340","7"); s0.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); s0.addParam ("allowscriptaccess","always"); s0.addVariable("javascriptid","n0"); s0.addVariable("width","420"); s0.addVariable("height","340"); s0.addVariable("backcolor","0xFFFFFF"); s0.addVariable("frontcolor","0x000000"); s0.addVariable("lightcolor","0x000000"); s0.addVariable("screencolor","0x000000"); s0.addVariable("autoscroll","true"); s0.addVariable("largecontrols","false"); s0.addVariable("logo","http://localhost/wordpress "); s0.addVariable("overstretch","true"); s0.addVariable("showdigits","true"); s0.addVariable("showdownload","false"); s0.addVariable("showeq","false"); s0.addVariable("showicons","true"); s0.addVariable("showvolume","true"); s0.addVariable("thumbsinplaylist","false"); s0.addVariable("autostart","false"); s0.addVariable("bufferlength","3"); s0.addVariable("repeat","false"); s0.addVariable("rotatetime","5"); s0.addVariable("smoothing","true"); s0.addVariable("volume","80"); s0.addVariable("enablejs","true"); s0.addVariable("linkfromdisplay","false"); s0.addVariable("t","autodetect"); s0.addVariable("useaudio","false"); s0.addVariable("usecaptions","false"); s0.addVariable("usefullscreen","true"); s0.addVariable("usekeys","false"); s0.addVariable("file","http://www.megavideo.com/?v=5SYQ8B34"); s0.write("video0"); </span> |
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