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CI with SQLite vs CI with MySQL

Hello CI fellows,

I developed an app using CI with MySQL and it is reasonably fast, but have no idea yet on its scalibility, time will tell.

But lately I was reading about CI with SQLite, and that SQLite is much faster than MySQL in general.

The question now is : what are the pros and cons of using CI with SQLite in a production mode ? is it preferred to MySQL? is it secure ? would the app be much faster ?

Sorry if I ask lots of questions but they are all related and didnt find any good comparison on the net.



It all depends on the kind of SQL usage of your application.

Sqlite is not recommended if you have many client programs accessing a common database over a network*, or a high-volume website with high concurrency, or you use very large datasets (*NOTE: When both sqlite file and webserver are on the same host then is not an acces over the network).

In other cases, specially if the number of SELECTs is much greather that INSERTs or UPDATES, Sqlite can be much faster.

Read the official doc for knowing when is recommended (or not) to use SQLite over another RDBMS.

Also, have in mind that, ASAIK, SQLite 3.x is supported in Codeigniter only using the PDO driver.

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