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CodeIgniter looking for new owner

[quote author="matyhaty" date="1373628493"]Great news for CI
Im happy to support various aspects through senses web solutions, from hosting to support - but people need to group together...

i agree to you. we need people here to group together and support the community and study the framework to the for future competency.

[eluser]Incito Networks[/eluser]
+1 for Laravel.

Make the move guys it is fantastic and is easy to pickup coming from a codeigniter background.

Don't have all your eggs in one basket :-)

I see no reason to leave CodeIgniter. The framework is solid and well matured.

Laravel is not stable.
It update it's version very frequently.

Nobody wants to change their codes often times when laravel update it's version,
specially when you are working on a large project or multiple project.
That's a pain...!!! and the very weakness of Laravel.

[eluser]Incito Networks[/eluser]
[quote author="whygod" date="1373767372"]Laravel is not stable.


I think you are misinformed there as I find Laravel as stable as Codeigniter. You should give it a try. Technology won't move forward if we don't change and try new things.


[quote author="whygod" date="1373767372"]Laravel is not stable.
It update it's version very frequently.

Nobody wants to change their codes often times when laravel update it's version,
specially when you are working on a large project or multiple project.
That's a pain...!!! and the very weakness of Laravel.

You should actually check out Laravel. Don't just regurgitate what someone else has said. It's pretty sad how many CodeIgniter faithfuls won't touch Laravel because they listened to someone else troll about how much it changes.

Laravel 4 has picked up a standardized release schedule of a minor point release bump every 6 months, which is modeled after Symfony's release schedule (http://symfony.com/doc/current/contribut...l#schedule, http://wiki.laravel.io/Laravel_4). I couldn't find any info about this, but I also remember Taylor Otwell (Laravel's creator) mentioning an "LTS" release schedule, much like Symfony and Ubuntu have. I believe he mentioned it in one of his talks from Laracon Washington 2013.

A lot of people need some sort of trigger to pick up a new framework. EL's decision is a perfect example to try out another framework. Why? Well, CI's future is really unknown at the moment. I don't mean that it's dead, or that it won't be developed anymore. I mean you, as a developer, have no idea what's going to happen with it, and have no idea who it's going to be handed off too, and what they're going to do with it. This is the perfect time to start exploring a bit. Not for something to replace CI, but to start learning something new, in the event that CI changes in a way you do not like. In return, you'll become a better developer, and have another technology you can put on your resume.

I was a CI faithful before picking up Laravel. During the development of an large application, I realized CI couldn't provide what I needed for the application, so I switched it over to Laravel. In return, I've became a much better developer as it pushed me to learn or become better at the following. The results would have likely been the same if I had switched ANY other modern framework, not just specifically Laravel:

- PHP Object Oriented Programming. I Understand it much better now.
- Composer. You should learn this even if you don't look at a new framework. It's extremely useful.
- Namespaces. They're ugly, but useful. Once you get used them, they don't get in your way at all.
- Autoloading. I'm talking about PHP's spl_autoload_register() and __autoload() functions (lazy loading of classes). __autoload() has been around since PHP 5.0, and spl_autoload_register() since 5.1.2, yet CI has yet to make use of either.
- Dependency Injection
- Unit testing
- API development
- Developing with an ORM. (Note: if you don't like the idea of using an ORM in Laravel, you don't need it. Laravel also has an extremely nice query builder, like CI's "active record")

Sure, you could work these features into your CI workflow. But, since CI doesn't promote them, many developers don't make use of them.

[eluser]Incito Networks[/eluser]
Very well said. Completely agree.

[quote author="kwoodfriend" date="1373829876"][quote author="whygod" date="1373767372"]Laravel is not stable.
It update it's version very frequently.

Nobody wants to change their codes often times when laravel update it's version,
specially when you are working on a large project or multiple project.
That's a pain...!!! and the very weakness of Laravel.

You should actually check out Laravel. Don't just regurgitate what someone else has said. It's pretty sad how many CodeIgniter faithfuls won't touch Laravel because they listened to someone else troll about how much it changes.

Laravel 4 has picked up a standardized release schedule of a minor point release bump every 6 months, which is modeled after Symfony's release schedule (http://symfony.com/doc/current/contribut...l#schedule, http://wiki.laravel.io/Laravel_4). I couldn't find any info about this, but I also remember Taylor Otwell (Laravel's creator) mentioning an "LTS" release schedule, much like Symfony and Ubuntu have. I believe he mentioned it in one of his talks from Laracon Washington 2013.

A lot of people need some sort of trigger to pick up a new framework. EL's decision is a perfect example to try out another framework. Why? Well, CI's future is really unknown at the moment. I don't mean that it's dead, or that it won't be developed anymore. I mean you, as a developer, have no idea what's going to happen with it, and have no idea who it's going to be handed off too, and what they're going to do with it. This is the perfect time to start exploring a bit. Not for something to replace CI, but to start learning something new, in the event that CI changes in a way you do not like. In return, you'll become a better developer, and have another technology you can put on your resume.

I was a CI faithful before picking up Laravel. During the development of an large application, I realized CI couldn't provide what I needed for the application, so I switched it over to Laravel. In return, I've became a much better developer as it pushed me to learn or become better at the following. The results would have likely been the same if I had switched ANY other modern framework, not just specifically Laravel:

- PHP Object Oriented Programming. I Understand it much better now.
- Composer. You should learn this even if you don't look at a new framework. It's extremely useful.
- Namespaces. They're ugly, but useful. Once you get used them, they don't get in your way at all.
- Autoloading. I'm talking about PHP's spl_autoload_register() and __autoload() functions (lazy loading of classes). __autoload() has been around since PHP 5.0, and spl_autoload_register() since 5.1.2, yet CI has yet to make use of either.
- Dependency Injection
- Unit testing
- API development
- Developing with an ORM. (Note: if you don't like the idea of using an ORM in Laravel, you don't need it. Laravel also has an extremely nice query builder, like CI's "active record")

Sure, you could work these features into your CI workflow. But, since CI doesn't promote them, many developers don't make use of them.[/quote]

Don't worry I will try laravel...
In few months but not right now.

I've got nothing against Laravel, but please - don't turn this forum into an ad campaign for it. It's all about CI here.

This is turning into a plague. I see laravel evengelists on every forum with posts far too long to be written without some precognition.
+1 to Narf
It does seem like an ad campaign

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