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Need help understanding CI and AJAX

I have a table that is loaded on page load and it basically has some logic in the model that does a db query and then shows the results in a table. I have put a text box and a button at the top of the table and I want to be able to search and update the results on the page. I have tried adding some jquery that would look for a button click but i'm just not understanding what I need to do for this to happen.

this is my javascript but i'm sure i'm missing a big piece about what needs to happen. Any direction would be really helpful.


type: "post",
url: "tablelist/searchquery/" + $('searchquery').val()



[eluser]Matias Perrone[/eluser]
While the code is fine you need to check out the jquery documentation, basically you need to set up the "success" function.

Using $.post and $.get seems a lot of easier for me. Is it a bad habit? Dunno. But here is a simple example:
$( document ).ready(function () {
$("#btnid").click(function () {    
$.get("'.base_url().'controller/method/"+param, function (return) {

//post example
$.post("'.base_url().'controller/method/"+param, { "postname":yourvariable });  
you can access it then using like always $this->input->post('postname')

I ended up just using a jquery plugin called quicksearch to filter the table. Thanks a lot for that example that is useful.

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