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Codeigniter XML-RPC Sample Code Issue

Trying to run Codeigniter User Guide XML RPC Sample Code.

This is the code



class Xmlrpc_client extends CI_Controller {

function index()
    $server_url = site_url('xmlrpc_server');


    $this->xmlrpc->server($server_url, 80);

    $request = array('How is it going?');

    if ( ! $this->xmlrpc->send_request())
        echo $this->xmlrpc->display_error();
        echo '<pre>';
        echo '</pre>';


class Xmlrpc_server extends CI_Controller {

function index()

    $config['functions']['Greetings'] = array('function' => 'Xmlrpc_server.process');


function process($request)
    $parameters = $request->output_parameters();

    $response = array(
                                'you_said'  => $parameters['0'],
                                'i_respond' => 'Not bad at all.'),

    return $this->xmlrpc->send_response($response);
After this, i ran the url like this.

remoteserver's ip/xmlrpc_client

(i deleted my index.php using .htaccess, dont need to type it)

the result is like this,

Did not receive a '200 OK' response from remote server. (HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found)

If i run the server code, remoteserver's ip/xmlrpc_server it says like this.

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

Which means,


this request have been failed

and echoed

echo $this->xmlrpc->display_error();

Any idea what is the problem is?

Oh, i have another question.

Do i have to install xmlrpc php extension before i use this codeigniter xmlrpc class?

It looks like you don't have to install any particular PHP extension as the XML-RPC implementation appears to be done entirely in PHP.

As far as what's wrong, it could be any number of things... As a starting point, I'd suggest inspecting the

Try changing the code in xmlrpc_client.php to

$server_url = site_url('xmlrpc_server');
echo '<pre>';

Verify the IP is the same as your server. My guess is the client is getting pointed to the correct location.

Thank you. the server's firewall rule was the problem. But my nextstage is

The XML data received was either invalid or not in the correct form for XML-RPC. Turn on debugging to examine the XML data further.

This error Sad

If i print the debug msg. it shows like this.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 06:38:22 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3
Content-Length: 331
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/xml

678&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
<string>How is it going?</string>
<string>Not bad at all.</string>
---END DATA---

where is this 678 coming from Sad

Hmm, that could be a pain to track down. My suggestion, hack the system/libraries/Xmlrpcs.php file; edit the CI_Xmlrpcs class.

Change the serve function to this
function serve()
    $r = $this->parseRequest();

    $payload  = '&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$this-&gt;xmlrpc_defencoding.'"?'.'>'."\n";
    $payload .= $this->debug_msg;
    $payload .= $r->prepare_response();

    header("Content-Type: text/xml");
    header("Content-Length: ".strlen($payload));

Now if there's any garbage coming from parseRequest it won't be sent to the output. If the 678 is still coming through it's before the call to serve.

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