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AJAX request returns a 403 error

I am receiving 403 error when I am trying to request Php function from model through AJAX:

Ajax is:
$(function() {

                minLength: 3,
                source: function(request, response) {
                        url: "../application/models/meetings_model/ReturnUsers",
                      data: {
                            term: request.term,


Php function is
public function ReturnUsers(){

     $this->db->from('users u');  
     $this->db->like('u_firstname', $userString);
     $this->db->or_like('u_lastname', $userString);
     $result = $this->db->get()->result_array();
     echo json_encode($result);

} // end returnusers function

When I am typing characters in input field, AJAX request returns the 403 error:
403 Forbidden

When I am trying to open these model function directly from URL (copy URL in browser) I receive permission error:
You don't have permission to access /Meetings_site/application/models/meetings_model/ReturnUsers on this server.

I suspect that I need to edit .htaccess file, but I can not understand what parameters I need to change.
Could you help me to resolve it?

Thank you in advance!


You have to access a controller/method, and the controller can access a model. Just like all other pages. You can't directly access anything in /system or /application directly from the url for security purposes. It would be best to not alter that behavior unless you understand the ramifications.

So, create a new controller or use an existing one, and create a new method which loads your model and executes the ReturnUsers() method.

function get_users()

Then change the url for your ajax call:
url: "http://www.yoursite.com/the_controller/get_users",

See: http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-gui.../urls.html

Hello CroNix
You advice was helpful: Now I am using controller method in ajax request and it works.
Thank you!


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