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Generating a url that leads to a different controller

Hello, I have a form in my main page (index function), when you send it it is supposed to load another view. Formerly I creathed this view to be displayed with the function my_function() in the same controller.

The problem I am having is that either calling the function or loading directly the view my_function is supposed to display from the index, the URL doesn't change.

Let me explain myself:

I am in
and here it leads me what should be
but it just stays in the original URL!

How can I generate the URL I want?

You could use redirect() instead of $this->your_method()

Can you show the (wrap it in code tags) code?

Thanks for your replies. Both loading the view and using redirect work, I was just using it in a wrong way.

You can also configure routes in application/config/routes.php file. Check out URI Routing the User Guide.

CodeIgniter User Guide - URL Helper anchor tag

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