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Copy data from one table and insert to another

Hello all! my first post excitement...

on a page in my views folder I have this code that is displaying all my classes available in 'class_master'

<?php $classesMaster = $this->db->get('class_master')->result_array();
       foreach($classesMaster as $row):?>
                        <tr><td width="50" align="center">    
              <a href="&lt;?php echo base_url();?&gt;index.php?student/classes/enroll/&lt;?php echo        $row['class_id'];?&gt;"  class="btn btn-gray btn-small">
                       &lt;?php echo get_phrase('enroll');?&gt;</a></td>

then on my controller php I have this function:

function classes($param1 = '', $param2 = '', $classesMaster = '')
    if ($param1 == 'enroll') {
       $class_info = $this->db->get_where('class_master' , array('class_id' => $param2));
      $data['class_id'] = $param2;
         $data['title'] = $class_info['title'];
                $this->db->insert('class', $data);
    redirect(base_url() . 'index.php?student/classes/', 'refresh');

if I delete the $data['title'] = line it works fine by inserting the correct 'class_id' so I know everything is connected right, but as is after clicking the btn on the views page I am getting a blank white php page and the data has not been inserted into 'class'

can anybody see the reason why??? again excited to find this forum!

Do you have debug and db_debug enabled?

You should post the schemas to those 2 tables. If it works by removing 'title' then I assume that the 'class' table doesn't have a 'title' field.

It might be blank because of your redirect. You're redirecting to just 'classes' with no parameters, and your $param1 check in classes() says if it is 'enroll', do this, else do nothing.

Thanks for the reply! I should have also mentioned that if I have this code it works as well also:

$data['title'] = 'add title';

so my 'class' table is adding the title section correctly - just not when I try to get the VAR and set it...

not sure how to enable debug or db_debug... so I guess ill google that real quick and see if i can debug it...

Ah, yes, because you never grab the result set after executing the query.

$class_info = $this->db->get_where('class_master' , array('class_id' => $param2))->row_array();//assuming there is only 1 row returned for this query

thank you!


I also wanted to access multiple DBS and found out how. So now that I have access to multiple DBs (default, platform) this is what I would like to do:

public function index()
  $course_id = '18896';
        if ($this->session->userdata('student_login') != 1)
            redirect(base_url() . 'index.php?login', 'refresh');
        if ($this->session->userdata('student_login') == 1)
$this->db_platform = $this->CI->load->database('platform', TRUE);  
$class_status = $this->db_platform->get_where('class' , array('status' => 'not attempted'))->row_array();
     $data['status'] = 'in-progress';
            $this->db_platform->update('status', $data);
   redirect(base_url() . 'index.php?student/dashboard', 'refresh');
I am trying to change the ‘status’ data to ‘in-progress’ but it is not updating…

Anybody see my error?

Does your status table only contain one entry? Because there is no WHERE on your update.

Actually I'm not able to get my anchor to work...

<a href="&lt;?php echo base_url();?&gt;index.php?student/classes/launch/&lt;?php echo $row['class_id'] . '/' . $row['deep_link'];?&gt;" class="btn btn-gray btn-small">
                                    &lt;?php echo get_phrase('launch');?&gt;

if ($param1 == 'launch') {
       $class_info = $this->db->get_where('class' , array('class_id' => $param2))->row_array();
       $data['status'] = 'in-progress';
       $this->db->where('class_id', $param2);
       $this->db->update('class', $data);
    $class_link = $param3;

   anchor($class_link, 'title="title"', array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'new_window'));

outputting anchors (links) belong in a view and not in the controller. Also, you have to echo it.

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