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What tools do you use for frontend, CRUD and speed up development?

I use CodeIgniter (of course), Bootstrap, Smarty, jQuery, and I load everything I can from a CDN (jsDelivr).  I use MySQL when needed, but I really love SQLite, especially for the FTS fulltext searching capabilities.  I have written many classes to speed up the development of Forms, Hierarchies, Geolocation, CURLing, etc.  I use the AdminLTE thanks to a previous recommendation from ivantcholakov, and I discovered the delights of the Ace Editor from a friend of mine in Alaska.  LESS CSS and Parsedown is great.  For ecommerce I would of recommended (until their price hike) Snipcart.  I was almost going to use them.  It is a great idea anyways.  I think these questions are very useful.  It's taken me 10 years to discover on my own what is awesome, and what sucks.  I have put everything awesome together and wrapped it up into BootPress, which of course I use for everything now.  I just upgraded the Profiler to be as nice as Bonfire's (with a few improvements of my own).  Ion Auth is good, but pretty bulky.  Also, use GitHub!  They make your life so much easier.  realfavicongenerator.net I recently discovered makes really good favicons.  That is all I can think of for now.  Happy Coding!

Messages In This Thread
RE: What tools do you use for frontend, CRUD and speed up development? - by paralogizing - 05-09-2015, 09:37 PM

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