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What version of CI am I running

Hi all,

I am new to CodeIgniter and I have been handled a legacy system using CI. I am wondering where can I find what CI version the system is using? I opened a few php files and although they all have a version number in them there seem to be several different numbers.

Granted, it seems like I inherited a 1.x version. So I am also wondering if it's worth it to migrate to the latest version (3.0.1)? And what kind of hurdle I should expect?

Thanks for the help Smile

For your version you can have a look at system/core/CodeIgniter.php Or you can use "echo CI_VERSION;".

You can read the documentation about upgrading process:

Probably the most relevant ones are:

I believe all the upgrades from 2.0 tot 2.2 all just involve replacing the system dir, no need to change your own application.

(This post was last modified: 09-14-2015, 01:23 AM by Muzikant.)

To check CodeIgniter version you can use

PHP Code:

in some of your controllers. Remember, that echoing directly from controller is a bad practice, but for this purpose it is good enough.

Thanks guys, version is 1.7.0

Now onto reading that upgrade doc @Diederk pointed out Smile

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