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remote job

(This post was last modified: 03-26-2016, 11:51 AM by kathrecha.)

Hello sir/medam,

I would like to work remotly, I have a great experience in PHP Web Development and I am Fullstack Web Developer.

So, I can built website from scratch

My contact details

Skype: kathrecha.krushn
Gmail: [email protected]
Mobile: +91 8758702738
Website: http://iamkrushn.com

Attached Files
.doc   krushn_resume.doc (Size: 51.5 KB / Downloads: 596)

Working from home seems like the best-case scenario, for some individuals. Let's get familiarized with the pros and cons of working remotely, as not everything seems to be so "sweet and smoothly".  Here are some essential tips I would like you to consider before making a final decision: http://livecustomwriting.com/blog/remote...-from-home

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