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Modular Extensions - Version 4.3

Thanks, I'll add this change to version 4.0.27

Is there a chance to use callback function in validation rules?

Yes you can use my Validation callbacks into Models extension, it also works with Modules. Good Luck.


[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1208447034"]Yes you can use my Validation callbacks into Models extension, it also works with Modules. Good Luck.


There is a bug in MY_Validation library when you use Modular Extensions

On line 127:
if (!method_exists($this->CI->$class, $method))

The loaded Models are only stored in the Module wich loaded it...

Yes thats right, the callback would need to be into the Module Controller, not the Module Model.

However that extension could easily be modified to use a Module Model. I'll look into that at some stage. Thanks.

Tell me how then please Smile

I have posted an advanced version of the callbacks into models extension to the wiki. Just for you Daeli. Wink

You must pass the calling object to the Validation class ie: $this->validation->run($this);

This will make Module Models visible to Validation.

Hopefully I've found now the right thread, sorry having moved up the old one.

I've now successfully converted my app to fit into modular extensions. What a relief to have well ranged functionality. Thanks for this smart, small yet powerful tool.

My question:

Is there a way to declare application-wide (cross -module) variables ?

Since now I worked with a file 'libraries/MY_Controller.php' which was loaded automatically. I then extended my controllers not to the Controller class but to the Commons class. Thus I had a set of base data (and functions) everywhere available. But now this seems no longer possible. MY_Controller is no longer loaded, and even when I put the functionality into the Default_controller, the module controllers ignore whatever happens in the Default_controller.

class Commons extends Controller {

    function Commons()
        // base data
        $data = $this->config->item('application');
        $data['base_url'] = $this->config->item('base_url');
        $data['charset'] = $this->config->item('charset');
    function _set_class_vars($data)
        foreach($data as $key => $value)
            $this->$key = $value;

a controller file
class a_controller extends Commons
     function index()
     // controller code

Class definitions must be so, otherwise it will not load automatically:
//MY_Controller class
class MY_Controller extends Controller

//A_Controller class
class A_Controller extends MY_Controller

Any other definition for a base controller must be a include:
//Commons class
class Commons extends Controller

//A_Controller class
include APPPATH."controllers/commons.php";
class A_Controller extends Commons

small bug notice (if not already changed):

use of .php instead of constant .EXT

file modules_helper.php
* @version: 4.0.26 © Wiredesignz 2008-03-25

line 24

is :
require_once APPPATH.'libraries/modular_extensions.php';

should be :
require_once APPPATH.'libraries/modular_extensions' .EXT;

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