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Form fill in

I'm new to CI... I've been using Smarty for my templating for a while but with CI's MVC I'd rather use good ole PHP in my views. To fill in a form (ie an edit form with text fields, selects, radio buttons, etc) with Smarty I use a plugin called "FillInFormValues". I'd like to use something similar in my views.

What's the best way to prepopulate a form with a variety of input types?

[eluser]Chris Newton[/eluser]

If you use the validation class, you can preset in the controller with:


Additionally, the validation class makes it easy to do some pretty advanced validation stuff with simple commands.

Thank for the quick reply! I wasn't particularly looking for validation, I was thinking more of an edit screen where I pull the info from a database and prepopulate the form... but this solution sounds like it will do my edit screen and a bonus of doing the validation too.


[eluser]José Mota[/eluser]
[quote author="mahuti" date="1204666925"]http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/libraries/validation.html

If you use the validation class, you can preset in the controller with:


mahuti, so you're trying to say that we can actually set a default value into the inputs? Imagine you wanna edit a user that has already data filled in, a pretty common situation.

Thank you!
EDIT: question solved. My assumption was true.

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