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Scrolling dead in FF.



MySQL 5.5.48-cll, PHP 5.6.24 (cli)
CI 3.1, Jquery, Boostrap

Browser of concern: FireFox 49.0.1

In my first CI site:

At some point recently the scrolling ability with the mouse wheel has stopped working in firefox.

Google Chrome, Edge, and IE all work fine.

Mouse wheel scrolling works in FF if I make it so PHP throws an error.

Anyone seen this weirdness?


Sounds like a problem with FireFox if it's working with all the other browsers.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Took a look at the console and found this alert:

This site appears to use a scroll-linked positioning effect. This may not work well with asynchronous panning; see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozil...kedEffects for further details and to join the discussion on related tools and features!

Yeah, basically that message appears in the console in FF if you use a bootstrap template, or jquery positioning. It also appears whether the scroll bar is working or not. Scrolling just stopped for me in my latest changes.. but I can't seem to find where as I made changes in all view, model, and controller files.

Strange, by modifying the controller file, I can get scrolling to work by forcing a PHP error...

This does not work (setting any kind of data):

PHP Code:
$vViewPage 'events';

$data['vf_deadline'] = $this->input->post('f_deadline');


This does work (commenting out all data and forcing an error):

PHP Code:
$vViewPage 'events';

// $data['vf_deadline'] = $this->input->post('f_deadline');


This does not work as well (getting rid of the error by not passing data):

PHP Code:
$vViewPage 'events';

// $data['vf_deadline'] = $this->input->post('f_deadline');


Lastly, setting the view statically via 'events' instead of $vViewPage still stops scrolling in FF. 

Would this suggest the problem is in the view instead of the controller??


I Chased this down to a (templatemonster) js library called rd-smoothscroll.


At least, well, disabling the call to it fixed the scroll.

(This post was last modified: 10-05-2016, 02:18 PM by PaulD.)

Just to confirm that yes, in their demo linked to from the link you provided, in FF, the scrolling with mouse does not work.

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