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Paypal monthly payment and affiliated users payment

  Hello all,

In my php/codeigniter products store application I have PayPal Express Checkout implemented, when user selects some products and makes purchase and payment for it.

1)Also I made subscriptions list and I would like to make monthly payment for this subscription using PayPal. I am not sure which PayPal teqnology is suitable for this?
Could you please give me links to documentations/examples how to do it ?

) Some products has affiliated users with percent, say 2.5%. It means that when this product is sold, this affiliated user must recieve 2.5% from sold sum.
This affiliated user is registered in my system and I have his personal/banks information entered. I would like to pay to him his money using his personal/banks information.
Is it possible? Also is it possible if this affiliated user is registered in PayPal or not registered in PayPal ?
Could you please give me links to documentations/examples how to do it ?

3) Big PS:
I asked paypal support and their answers set me to kind of laughing depression.

They answered :

Quote:Here’s how to create a "Subscriptions" button:
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click Tools at the top of the page.
3. Click All Tools
4. Click Show me and then Got it! if needed.
5. Click PayPal Buttons.
6. Click Create new button under "Related Items."
7. Select the "Subscriptions" button type and enter your information.
8. Click Create Button.
9. Click Select Code to select the HTML button code.
10. Copy and Paste the HTML code in to your website’s HTML code.
Please make sure JavaScript is enabled before creating or making changes to your payment buttons.

For a visual guide on adding a subscription button click (link https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/get-s...ent-button).

I anwsered that I could not follow these advices, as login to PayPal under my account I do not see any “Tools” link

and The link https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/get-s...ent-button they gave is dead.

They answered :

Quote:I can sense the importance of this matter to you, and we believe email is a great way to communicate in most situations, but in this case we're unable to fully address your request with an email response.
Since we need to ask you some security questions in order to make the necessary change in your account. Please call us so that we can further assist you. 
You may call us at 1-888-221-1161

Despite of that my oral english is not very good to speak on phone seems I hoped they would give links to some docs/examples...

Who has expierenceof communicating with Paypal support : is it the common way of they help? Is their help usefull?


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