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Conversion of framework to ASP.NET

First of all, I'm just picking my jaw off of the floor. I just realised that since I bought Expression engine and I have a login on the EE site, I've got the same username and login on the CI site. Not even Google has single sign on right (their Google Accounts always complains about my different logins and the services I've got on each account). Yet Ellis Labs has managed to pull that off.

Anyhoo, I was thinking. Would it be legally allowed (I did read the license and it seems like it should be allowed) to convert the framework to ASP.NET?

Now you might say, hey just use PHP, but I'm more comfortable with ASP.NET and I plan on possibly converting the framework. If in the future I want to convert from ASP.NET to PHP, it should be much, much easier.

Sounds like a perfectly brilliant idea to me. Two questions - which language would you use? C#? And second, how will you achieve the clean URL's?

I haven't had a great deal of experience with ASP and/or .NET, but last time I had to use IIS I found it difficult to do URL Rewriting, so I was just interested how a seasoned pro would do it.

Dotnet is already an object oriented framework, why bother trying to convert CI?

All you need is MVC architecture.

Wiredz: -- well so is PHP, so I can see the reasoning.

Quote:Anyhoo, I was thinking. Would it be legally allowed (I did read the license and it seems like it should be allowed) to convert the framework to ASP.NET?

I don't see why not. Here's the import parts of the license since you're not "modifying" the code:

1. A copy of this license agreement must be included with the distribution.
5. Products derived from the Software must include an acknowledgment that they are derived from CodeIgniter in their documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
6. Products derived from the Software may not be called "CodeIgniter", nor may "CodeIgniter" appear in their name, without prior written permission from EllisLab, Inc.

If you are doing a straight port, you'll also need maintain the primary file copyrights, and you will add your own notices regarding the porting.

2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice in all source code files.
3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
4. Any files that have been modified must carry notices stating the nature of the change and the names of those who changed them.

I'm not sure if you can do a straight port of CI for ASP.NET. A lot of classes are already present in the framework so i wonder how much would be left from the php framework. I think you can only do a CI based port and in that case the license is void and all mentions of CodeIgniter should be removed from the code, see the blueflame discussions, if i'm not mistaken.

Said that it would be nice to have a MVC framework for ASP.NET versions under 3.5 because all that talk about it is making me green with envy that i still have to maintain 1.1 and 2 sites.

@Pygon, Do I need to state the obvious?, PHP is not a framework.

The closest thing to dotnet in the PHP world is the PRADO framework.

wiredesignz, this is off topic, but I found this on the web a few days ago while doing a search for something else. I have not had any time to experiment with the code in CI, but the project seems promising. It's an attempt to wrap the Javascript EXT JS library to create a GUI library for PHP.


Looks nice, I'll check it out. Thanks esra. Wink

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