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Understanding CodeIgniter

Hello Community,

First of all I want to thank everyone that contribute to make CodeIgniter a great framework.

And to those who are developing in CI for years, I want to ask for you wisdom and guidance.

I started learning CodeIgniter because I want to use a framework. Now, I am using CI on my job. I am 3months now on my job.

But now I want to learn CodeIgniter deeply since it is the reason why I am earning. I mean I want to understand how it works as a whole. I can implement a feature by reading the documentation, but I don't know when to use something and what to use.

Maybe you know a book or a website where I can learn deeply. I am willing to devote my time to be good at CodeIgniter.

If you can share tips on how you came to understand CI and understand when to use what, that would be really nice.

I hope I explained myself clearly. Thankyou. Smile


Best place is to read the Users Guide and Dig into the CodeIgniter ./system files
there are a lot of hidden gems in them.

For books do a search on PACKT for CodeIgniter PHP
What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?

Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

I like to see projects/websites and try to do a reverse engineering of it. Recreating it with CodeIgniter.

For example:

I want a Blog, then, I do a research of how people write blogs (the codes). What's the most popular? What it has? How is the database structure of it? The URL's? The permissions? ...

Knowing well what I want and what I need to do, I start to code.

I think is fundamental understand (HTTP, HTML,) PHP first. Then I always have the manual to search in.

The same for CodeIgniter, MySQL, Debian... The manuals/user guides are fundamental. Have it. Study it. Practice it.

Many times the things means have not a solid importance, at the moment you're learning. But in the future, voialà (the insight), you will remember that you seen a function/class/tool, etc, and now you need it. Now you will use it.

Some links I think important now:

- https://debian-handbook.info/get/
- https://www.w3schools.com/
- https://php.net/download-docs.php (with user notes)
- https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/
- https://codeigniter.com/docs

- http://www.phptherightway.com/
- http://designpatternsphp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

- https://leanpub.com/practicalcodeigniter3

Many more, but also this video (the subtitles are in Portuguese, please search with your language if you need):

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66f2yP7ehDs]

>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66f2yP7ehDs

Good luck!

- Natan

Hi natanfelles!

Wow those are great tips. I have never think that way. And the links you provided seem really helpful, especially the phptherightway. 

And you are the one who created the CI autocompletion, wow I have used that before, an honor to received tips from you. 

Thanks for sharing, sure it will help me a lot. Smile


(03-10-2018, 06:13 AM)danangeloalcanar Wrote: Hello Community,

First of all I want to thank everyone that contribute to make CodeIgniter a great framework.

And to those who are developing in CI for years, I want to ask for you wisdom and guidance.

I started learning CodeIgniter because I want to use a framework. Now, I am using CI on my job. I am 3months now on my job.

But now I want to learn CodeIgniter deeply since it is the reason why I am earning. I mean I want to understand how it works as a whole. I can implement a feature by reading the documentation, but I don't know when to use something and what to use.

Maybe you know a book or a website where I can learn deeply. I am willing to devote my time to be good at CodeIgniter.

If you can share tips on how you came to understand CI and understand when to use what, that would be really nice.

I hope I explained myself clearly. Thankyou. Smile


Even I want to thank everyone for making CodeIgniter such a great forum. My soul reason for starting this framework was to get a Job. After learning this framework and programming language like PHP, ASP, JAVA and Javascript. I was able to crack IES exam. Now, I'm very happy to get government Job in railways in IT department. I really have liked this book Efendi Books - CodeIgniter Handbook - Vol. 1 by Jamie Rumbelow because he preaches great techniques and approaches that are common-place among most great programming frameworks. I would recommend you to read this. Moreover, we here always to help you out. Feel free to reach us here at CodeIgniter Forum.

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