how to disable button when images are loaded? |
I want to disable my upload button.once images uploaded cannot be reload the images.
Button ****** <td class="text-center"> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger deleteUser" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" onclick="edit_book(<?php echo $row['markid'];?>)"><i class="fa fa-upload"></i></button> </td> Image ******* <td> <img src="<?php echo base_url()."assets/images/".$row['file_name'] ?>" alt="" class="img-thumbnail" width="100%" height="50px"/> </td>
Add this to your button and then switch the disable state with JavaScript toggle button
disabled="disabled" What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
(09-05-2018, 03:08 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: Add this to your button and then switch the disable state with JavaScript toggle button I know using the based on the input item that should be performed. but its check with the database. I also use one textbox item to get the id, but based on id the button not disabled.
You really need to start using Google Search!
But here is a link on how to do it. How to disable/enable an element with jQuery or Javascript a dot . is a class and a # is an id What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
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