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group_by syntax

Hiya - I'm trying to generate the appropriate group_by clause to create summaries of data in 30 minute increments from my db. My query looks like
$this->db->where('timestamp >', $starttime);
$this->db->where('timestamp <', $endtime);
$this->db->where('device_id', $device_id);
// get half-hour bins
$this->db->group_by("2 * HOUR(timestamp) + FLOOR(MINUTE(timestamp) / 30)");
$query = $this->db->get('data');
With the resulting query looking like
SELECT AVG(`value`) AS `value`, `timestamp` FROM (`data`) WHERE timestamp > '2008-03-26 09:51:35' AND timestamp < '2008-03-27 09:51:35' AND `device_id` = '1' GROUP BY `2` * HOUR(`timestamp`) + FLOOR(MINUTE(`timestamp`) / `30`) ORDER BY `timestamp`

I'm pretty sure the numbers in the group_by clause shouldn't be quoted, but I'm pretty new to SQL...wondering if anybody can nudge me along with the appropriate way to specify this? Thanks!

[edit] was actually asking about the group_by clause, not order_by - sorry bout that!

[eluser]GSV Sleeper Service[/eluser]
nothing wrong with the order by, but that group by is going to cause problems.

Crap - meant to ask about group_by Smile Have now edited the original post to reflect that. Any thoughts on that one?

I've been told now by a couple non-CI SQL people that
GROUP BY (2 * HOUR(timestamp) + FLOOR( MINUTE(timestamp) / 30 ))
is the appropriate syntax to specify half-hour bins, so I'm feeling reasonably confident that part's ok. Still having trouble getting this to work with the CI active record group_by( ) method, though, which is rendering it as
GROUP BY (`2` * HOUR(`timestamp`) + FLOOR( MINUTE(`timestamp`) / `30` ))

My working, uninformed theory is that the single quotes should be removed. Any other thoughts, or ideas on how to remove them?


you don't have to use all the AR stuff... just send your properly constructed query in raw to $this->db->query() method.


i think that's what people mean when they say they like CI because "it just gets out of the way when you need it to."

luck to you.

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