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Template recommendation

Hi all,

This will be my 5th project in CI.  All the rest were completely coded by hand but this time around I want to make use of a good "template", if that is the right word for it to kickstart the process.

If you take a look at www.kompoz.com this is the basic format I am locking for:   Logo, menu across the top, user notifications and login to the right.  Also a footer.

I will be using bootstrap.  I have seen a fair number of templates there that cost and I've seen on code canyon quite a few as well but I am concerned with those that they are not easily configurable.

For example I found one on code canyon that looked almost idea but the user setup stuff did not look like it could easily be configured to match my needs.  So I'd prefer a "template" rather than a "solution".  I would like to gain the responsive header/menu/footer and user area and I can code the actual user pages and database myself.

But... that being said, if I can get something that is pre-built that I can just modify I am super open to that as well.

Any recommendations?



Have you checked for free html5/bootstrap themes? There are tons of good ones out there that you could use to create the theme that you wish.

Do a live preview of this one.

Bootstrap 4 - BOOTSTRAP BLOG
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Thank you both for the template recommendations. I've started the search and downloaded.

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