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BackendPro 0.6.1

I tried to install it with captcha but I got an error message.
The message from log file:
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Base path set to: C:/xampp/htdocs/code/back/
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Base dir set to: /code/back/
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> System path set to: C:/xampp/htdocs/code/back/../system/
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Application path set to: C:/xampp/htdocs/code/back/../system/application/
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Modules path set to: C:/xampp/htdocs/code/back/../system/application/modules/
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Logs path set to: C:/xampp/htdocs/code/back/../system/logs/
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Cache path set to: C:/xampp/htdocs/code/back/../system/cache/
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> New feature 'FileSystem Check' created
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> New feature 'Setup FileSystem' created
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> New feature 'Setup Database' created
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Feature 'Setup FileSystem' now has prerequisite 'FileSystem Check'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Feature 'Setup Database' now has prerequisite 'Setup FileSystem'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Log Folder writable' attached to feature 'FileSystem Check'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Asset folders writable' attached to feature 'FileSystem Check'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Cache Folder writable' attached to feature 'FileSystem Check'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Config files writable' attached to feature 'FileSystem Check'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Create new system config file' attached to feature 'Setup FileSystem'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Create new database config file' attached to feature 'Setup FileSystem'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Create new ReCAPTCHA config file' attached to feature 'Setup FileSystem'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Connect to database' attached to feature 'Setup Database'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Update table schema' attached to feature 'Setup Database'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Component 'Create administrator user account' attached to feature 'Setup Database'
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Log Folder writable Component installed
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Asset folders writable Component installed
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Cache Folder writable Component installed
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Config files writable Component installed
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> FileSystem Check Feature installed
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Create new system config file Component installed
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Create new database config file Component installed
ERROR - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Create new ReCAPTCHA config file Component install failed: 1
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Attempting to roll back Components for 'Setup FileSystem' Feature
INFO  - 2009-07-24 03:51:32 --> Setup Database Feature installation haulted since its prerequisite feature 'Setup FileSystem' failed to install

Did you make the ReCaptcha config file writable?

It is located in modules/recaptcha/config/recaptcha.php
The install will write over this file so if it is not writable it will fail.

That is something worth checking, but I would hope the initial System File check would have checked it was writeable in the first place.

The problem was that I put the CI models folder as the models folder in the installation process. I corrected that by putting the BackendPro models folder.
I think this should be noted in the installation guide.

After the installation, I don't know how to access the admin dashboard. Could someone help me with that.

You should be shown a page saying all is installed. With a login link, just login with the details you used during install and you will be taken to the admin area.

or just go to www.yoursite.com/admin (of course replace www.yoursite.com with your actual server address)

Sorry I don't quite get you on the first bit, did you mean you put the CI models folder as the modules folder?

I am not sure I understand what you mean.
I suppose you mean the modules folder (not models) - because the modules folder is the one you should reference in the install process.
There is no CI modules folder - so if you reference the modules folder it should be allright.

Update: sorry adam - I was responding to the same question

I could not access the admin. I am not sure how this http://www.yoursite.com/admin link is going to work since it has nothing to do with CI. Also, the BackendPro has no index.php file inside it.?
My folder tree look like this:
-- back ; this is where the backendpro located
-- system
-- index.php

Adam, I am really psyched about your new asset management feature. It solved tons of problems for me.

On the other hand - I have discovered 2 bugs (maybe not real bugs - but problems?) in your 0.6 version:

1. when installing on a local environment (I work on a MacOSX Leopard) RUN.php script is defining BASEPATH based on $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] - which for whatever reason in my system was pointing at /Library/Documents/~username/ instead of /Users/~username/Sites
I had to change the script to replace the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] with the path I needed.
This might be a unique bug to my installation but in case anybody else has the problem, this would be a solution

2. although on my local environment I had no problems at all, If installing on a linux webserver I had issues with the case of the file names in the new site module.
For example - I got errors such as could not find class: bep_site - I had to change the library file name from BeP_Site.php to Bep_site.php in modules/site/libraries for it to work.
I had similar problems with the BeP_Browser and BeP_AssetFile files.
It seems you were not consistent in referencing the file names in the scripts and naming the files in the libraries folder.
Also this seems to be an issue only on some servers. The one where I had the problem was a Debian distribution, but it is probably because of the server admin making the installation very strict for case sensitiveness.

[quote author="Alenazi" date="1248447100"]I could not access the admin. I am not sure how this http://www.yoursite.com/admin link is going to work since it has nothing to do with CI. Also, the BackendPro has no index.php file inside it.?
My folder tree look like this:
-- back ; this is where the backendpro located
-- system
-- index.php[/quote]

you should copy the backendpro files to the corresponding places in your installation of CI.
For example the contents of BackendPro0/system/application/config are added to your CI in system/application/config and so on

Sorry I posted too fast

the modules, install and assets folders should be copied in the same folder as your CI system folder.

So you should end up with a structure like this:
--system ; here you will copy the contents of the BackendPro0/system folder by adding them to the corresponding folders in you CI installation (see above post)

Then you should run yoursite.com/install

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