I'm Matleyx, and i'm testing the code Module in CI4
You see my file in the attachment.
I modified the autoload file, adding this line in Psr4:
'Modules' => APPPATH.'../modules'
but i have a problem with Routes file.
I'll explain:
This is the line for routes.php
$routes->group('testmodule', ['namespace' => 'Modules\Testmodule\Controllers'], function($routes)
$routes->add('/', 'Testcont::index');
$routes->add('(:any)', 'Testcont::$1');
This work only if i put this line in /app/Config/Routes.php. (localhost/ci4/public/testmodule/ecc
If i put the lines in the /modules/Testmodule/Config/Routes.php, don't work.
How do I make it work with module/Testmodule/Config/Routes.php?
Thanks to all