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Benchmarking Ci4 router

Main problem for me in ci4 (or i cannot see the solution) is to use the router class and router collection as "subrouter" to split the routes
Dinamic Front router (load routes from modules)
Method a
Method b
Method route
Another router and route collection instance

The handle () method should accept arguments handle(uri,method )
Checkroutes method should optionally detect language and passed as argument
Discover routes should take file array as arguments and should be public
getHTTPVerb and sethttpverb out and passed as arguments
A Cache routes (routescollection ?) Mechanism
Load cached routes array_merge routes without add every routes
Thanks .

(This post was last modified: 09-13-2019, 01:41 AM by tony.a.)

Allow  router and subrouter to cache and load all routes  at once

I think it doesn't depend on the version of the router. I think this is a malfunction of the settings. I think it is worth contacting a specialist and he will help you.
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