Insite, I use the chrome debugger extensively to debug the Extension. The problem is "where do I put the breakpoint"? What I am doing is sending some data from the php program to the Extension. But it never seems to arrive at the Extension. I'd like to see what fails in the .js function call but phpStorm will not allow me to debug a .js file. So I opened up the Chrome debugger on the js/javascript_funcs_extensionloaded.js file and put a breakpoint in the main function init. But it is not getting triggered.
I might have a hint. I took a look in the log and I see:
ERROR - 2019-12-11 03:32:23 --
> Severity: 8192 --
> idn_to_ascii(): INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 is deprecated /app/system/libraries/Form_validation.php 1234
Does anyone know what this is and why I am getting it?
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks