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CodeIgniter 4.0 is here!

(03-02-2020, 04:56 AM)Kel_Novi Wrote:
(03-02-2020, 02:46 AM)eboominathan Wrote: Download link Not working Please check https://codeload.github.com/codeigniter4...zip/v4.0.2

Here's the link
How and from where we can download user guide?

Warm regards,

(03-07-2020, 11:43 PM)mk_common Wrote: How and from where we can download user guide?

You can find it here:

This new version is so good, thx to everyone that contributed to this  Smile

When can it go into production?

(03-09-2020, 01:32 PM)Paradoxa Wrote: When can it go into production?

This is the stable version. You can use it in production. It’s already at 4.0.2, so there’s still some bugs to fix, but sill very stable.

Thank you :* (^_^)

I just notice the the main web page of ci is still old for example the The latest is Version 3.1.11 and when you click download, you have 404: Not Found.

Will this be corrected. This is so important for new user and for the image of CodeIgniter. Now CI should regain notability with the competitors. It is a very good framework but should show it.

Thank you very much, CI team! Thanks for the very good job you're doing with this framework.
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Congratulations to the whole team! Good job!

Congratulations, after working for over 10 years with CodeIgniter version 2 and 3 and already have looked at version 4 a year or so ago, I am really inspired to have a go with CodeIgniter version 4.

Great job, I am very excited about this news. Smile

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