Ecommerce Website Using CodeIgniter |
Dear All,
I am new to CodeIgniter and with what I have seen with CI 3.1 documentation I read half way, I think I can quickly do a great job with it. 1) Please, can anyone lead me to excellent tutorials, videos or books that will walk me through step to step of building E-commerce Website Using code igniter, both the admin panel and the frontend. 2) Can I also get tutorials on how to use CodeIgniter 4. and Bootstrap. I am a PHP and MySQL savvy and I don't want to have the same experience I had when learning PHP by using about six years to look for the book which would add comment to blog , all of them were just saying in order to keep the script simple they would not add comment. I believe that you people can point me in the right direction and I will get the right materials without wasting my precious time. Please, I am earnestly waiting for your reply.
Honestly, I doubt that CI is the best tool around for e-commerce website. There are plenty of feature-rich platforms and SaaS services, both paid and open-source, that already implement everything you might need for successful online shop or even a marketplace. Did you check them?
Just my humble opinion: it would take at least several month to build at least MVP with basic e-commerce features, nd probably at least 1 year to make it stable in all browsers, secured, eye-candy, user-friendly and integrated with desired payment gateways and other service provides. Of cource, it is up to you to decide how to spend your time (probably you would build bigger thing then Magento in the end of this journey ), but, - if you need e-commerce website to actually sell something -> go for ready solutions and do not mess up with CI - if you study web-development and CI, then tiny e-commerce website is a good project to learn from, but then you do not need step-by-step tutorials, as this approach kills learning; start with readung documentation and available tutorials around, and adopt them to your needs.
Hi Zahhar,
thanks very much. Please, can you point me to the one or two feature-rich platforms and SaaS services, both paid and open-source, that already implement everything I might need for successful online shop or even a marketplace. You know on the internet you will get sea of information and everyone of them will be claiming that they are the best. I just want what I will study for the next few months without jumping from here and there, so I will really appreciate it if you can point me to them. Thanks.
You can try OpenCart, Magneto, WooCommerce (WordPress) etc.
For paid solution you can check Shopify.
From free and open-source you can also give a try to PrestaShop, in addition to list introduced above by cardinod.
Here is the full list of PHP open-cource e-commerce software worth considering: I would not name any paid solutions not to advertise them, but you can readdy easilly google everything. Also I won't be advocating for one or another particular open-source solution, as withouit knowing your requirements it would be just sharing my personal opinion.
there are some e-commerce software that are strong and rich with features like "kirilkirkov" .You can try it .
There are more software but "kirilkirkov" is the can look at it. codeigniter e-commerce software: kirilkirkov e-commerce software: |
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